Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Humanitarian Award 2011- Gaza Shield

The World Wide Web has become an essential tool for all of its users with no consideration of age, gender, or ethnicity.  A system which has evolved throughout time is able to connect people from around the globe, quickly research information, and can be found as a source of pleasure during leisure time to chat with friends or join a game room. 
However, in the documentary Gaza Shield directed by Tania Khalaf, it embarks on the journey of delving into the lives of three creative artists of Lebanese descent.  Tania Khalaf said during a previous interview, “It’s my hope that people who see this film are inspired to take action in their own unique way.”  The film tracks their process of developing a meticulous video game which goes live on the internet. 
This video game aims to counteract the inequality and unfairness of Israeli-Palestinian disputes. "Everybody has something that can be used as a tool to bring peace and it’s my hope that wherever there is injustice that people know they can do something about it,” she concluded.  This documentary received the HUMANITARIAN AWARD for its goal to achieve better conditions in Lebanon through the form of an online game reaching players in order to impart understandings of turmoil and troubles.
Comment below and tell us what you would do to expose injustices in society.

Check out TWIFF's website for more information:

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