Thursday, June 21, 2012

The Peacewalker

Freedom of speech, freedom of press and freedom of religion are all rights given to American citizens. If these basic rights were taken away from citizens, they would most likely cause uproar and rebellion.

This is the situation that Ashin Sopaka finds himself in. His constitutional right to express himself and political standing are removed by the military government. Instead of rebelling, he walks because that is a right he is still entitled to. Ashin is a Burmese exile and he walks for peace. Motivated by the cause of freedom and peace, he follows in the footsteps of Gandhi’s strategy of peaceful protest. He gains the support and allegiance of people from around the world to join his cause. These people are known as Peacewalkers.

The need to ensure peace has no limits. In 2007, Ashin arranged a walk that would cover the entire distance of Thailand. The Peacewalkers did not find this walk easy—they were harassed by the authorities who tried to interfere with their walk.

In the documentary The Peacewalker, follow Ashin as he narrates his journey of the Peacewalk and his optimism for a brighter future for Burma and her people.

How are you ensuring peace in your own community today?

Be sure to come and see this film at the film festival in September.

View the trailer here:

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